Target Quest
“Excuse me, do you need some help?” I looked up from the shelf of hats in Target. “You wouldn’t happen to have any more hats in the...

Coffee or Jet Fuel Required...
They say the first step is to admit the problem. Can somebody tell me who 'THEY' are? 'They' seem to have opinions on everything! Well,...

I Am Writing Dog...
"I do not think I am 'broken', Mama" "It was just a joke, Marco. You are a Portuguese Water Dog who hates water. Don't take it so...

It's a flip-flop world we live in...
There is a big pile of shoes by my front door. Sneakers, The Girl’s fashion army boots (total oxymoron), The Boy’s butt-ugly Crocs (just...

Plotter or Pantser?
These terms are brandied about during NaNoWriMo as if they were commonplace. We writers gather together (virtually or ‘in real life’) to...

Fairytales can come true...
I stalked a UPS truck today. I think before I get any further into this story it's important to come clean about my behavior. It wasn't...

Writing Dog: aMuse like no other
"It's time." "It can't be, I just took you out an hour ago." "That's irrelevant." "You're lying ." "Down, yes. Philosophically, No." "I...

Grocery Stores are lucky places...
The best things seem to happen when I'm standing in a grocery store parking lot. One of my best friends once called to tell me she had...